PPR Selected for ESCI-Propulsion and Power Research
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PPR Selected for ESCI

Author: [Date]:2018-10-31 [Source]: [Click]:

We are delighted to announce that Propulsion and Power Research (PPR) has been selected for coverage in Thomson Reuters’ index Web of Science Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI). This means that articles published in the journal will be searchable, discoverable and citable in Web of Science.

ESCI is a new index to be launched by Thomson Reuters in November 2015 intended to offer a broader focus than existing Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE), the Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI), and the Arts & Humanities Citation Index (AHCI) indexes. ESCI enhances the depth of publications in Web of Science to include high-quality, peer reviewed publications of regional importance and in emerging scientific fields. ESCI will make additional content of importance to funders, opinion leaders, and evaluators visible in Web of Science. Journals in ESCI are searchable, discoverable and citable; authors and researchers get real-time insight into a journal’s citation performance while the content is considered for inclusion in other Web of Science collections as well.

PPR was founded in December 2012 by National Laboratory for Aeronautics and Astronautics and Elsevier. The journal is a peer reviewed and open accessed scientific journal in English and publishes high quality original research articles and general reviews in fundamental research aspects of aeronautics/astronautics propulsion and power engineering.

Useful Links:

Online submission:http://ppr.buaa.edu.cn

Open access:http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/2212540X
