Numerical modelling of the hybrid rocket engine performance-Propulsion and Power Research
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Numerical modelling of the hybrid rocket engine performance

Author:Marian Gieras, Aleksander Gorgeri [Date]:2021-04-26 [Source]:259 [Click]:

Numerical modelling of the hybrid rocket engine performance

Marian Gieras a,*, Aleksander Gorgeri b

a. Institute of Heat Engineering, Warsaw University of Technology, Warsaw, 00-665, Poland
         b. Łukasiewicz Research Network – Institute of Aviation, Warsaw, 02-256, Poland

Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to present method of the numerical modeling of the hybrid rocket engine’s work as a tool for designing engines of this type. The model is intended as an accurate and simple to use development tool for use in preliminary design stages of hybrid rocket engines, improving the effectiveness and quality of this process. General assumptions underlying the use of a model are presented, together with an analysis of past work in this field. Results of an extensive experimental campaign are presented and compared with the results of numerical modelling in order to calibrate the proposed model and evaluate its accuracy. Parameter variation and optimization were conducted, proving functionality of the methodology. Presented numerical calculations show that the adopted approach to reduce the analysis time and complexity was correct. This method of numerical calculation of hybrid engine working parameters combines aspects of accuracy and simplicity at the early design stage to avoid time-consuming and costly changes in subsequent detailed stages of design.

Keywords: Hybrid rocket engine; Combustion; Multi-phase flow; Regression; Specific impulse