Call for Papers from PPR-Propulsion and Power Research
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Call for Papers from PPR

Author: [Date]:2018-10-31 [Source]: [Click]:

The journal of Propulsion and Power Research sincerely invites the scholars of propulsion and power engineering and other related fields at home and abroad to submit professional articles.

Propulsion and Power Research publishes high quality original research articles and general reviews in fundamental research aspects of aeronautics/astronautics propulsion and power engineering including, but not limited to, system, fluid mechanics, heat transfer, combustion, vibration and acoustics, solid mechanics and dynamics, control and so on. The journal serves as a platform for academic exchange by experts, scholars and researchers in these fields.

The production and hosting of the journal are responsible by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of KeAi, founded by two of the world’s leading STM publishers, China Science Publishing & Media and Elsevier and publishes world-class English language scientific journals. For wide spread and rapid recognition, the journal is an open access online journal via Elsevier digital library ScienceDirect. The full texts of the journal are hosted on ScienceDirect, in both HTML and PDF formats. All full texts and supplementary content are freely available to any end-user accessing ScienceDirect, i.e. no subscription required.

Please visit our website for paper submission. We are cooperating with Clarivate Analytics and using the ScholarOne Manuscript system. Once a manuscript has been accepted for publication, it will undergo language copyediting, typesetting, and reference validation in order to provide the highest publication quality possible.

Should you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact us.