Impact of partial slip condition on mixed convection of nanofluid within lid-driven wavy cavity and solid inner body
Ammar I. Alsabery a, Mohammad H. Yazdi b, Ali S. Abosinnee c, Ishak Hashim d,* Evgeny Solomin e
a. Refrigeration & Air-conditioning Technical Engineering Department, College of Technical Engineering, The Islamic University, Najaf, Iraq
b. New Materials Technology and Processing Research Center, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Neyshabur Branch, Islamic Azad University, Neyshabur, Iran
c. Altoosi University College, Najaf, Iraq
d. Department of Mathematical Sciences, Faculty of Science & Technology, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600, Bangi Selangor, Malaysia
e. Department of Electric Power Generation Stations, Network and Supply Systems, Institute of Engineering and Technology, South Ural State University, 76, Lenin Avenue, Chelyabinsk, 454080, Russian Federation
Abstract: In thermofluid systems, the lid-driven square chamber plays an imperative role in analyzing thermodynamics’ first and second laws in limited volume cases executed by sheer effects with a prominent role in many industrial applications including electronic cooling, heat exchangers, microfluidic components, solar collectors, and renewable energies. Furthermore, nanofluids as working fluids have demonstrated potential for heat transfer enhancement systems, however there are some concerns about irreversibility problems in the systems. Due to this problem and in line with the applications of partial slip on fluid flow modification and irreversibilities, the present study considers laminar mixed convection and entropy generation analysis of aluminum oxide nanofluid inside a lid-driven wavy cavity having an internal conductive solid body in the presence of a partial slip on the upper surface, which to the best of our knowledge, has not been investigated so far. The fundamental equations of the current work with the appropriate boundary conditions are first made dimensionless and then solved numerically using the Galerkin weighted residual FEM. The main parameters of the flow and heat transfer, entropy generation, and Bejan number are presented and explained in details. The outcomes indicate that the partial slip is more effective when friction irreversibilities govern the cavity. In the presence of slip condition, the flow circulation changes the trend in the middle of the cavity around the solid block leading to a decrease in the isentropic lines at the dense sections with almost 30% less than the case of no-slip condition. It is concluded that partial slip shows different trends on the local Nusselt number interface along the wavy wall improving the average Nusselt number where high friction irreversibilities dominate.
Keywords: Entropy generation; Mixed convection; Lid-driven wavy cavity; Nanofluid; Inner cylinder; Partial slip